P. 9
Module - I Importance of Military Studies
Military Studies
of military organisations, analysis of security threats to a country, the art of
warfare and the method of using the armed forces in the defence of the nation. Let us
understand the meaning of each of these words used in the definition.
(a) Study of Military Organisation - Ancient armies started with foot soldiers
and later went on to create the Chaturangabala force consisting of chariots,
elephants, cavalry and infantry. Our ancient gurus thought about this organisation
of the army. They taught this subject and the soldiers learnt to use the horses,
elephants and weapons. Study of military organisations commenced from ancient
times and continues even today.
(b) National Security - Any kingdom or nation faces enemies, threats from
environment, threats from natural calamities etc. It is important to understand
the type of threats and methods to overcome the threat. Therefore, an analysis
of national security will tell us about how big the army should be and how should
it be organised to fight against all identified threats.
(c) Art of Warfare - Warfare is defined as the activity of fighting between two
armies. When two nations fight they employ different strategies and tactics to
win the battle. Armies have to be trained to use different strategies and tactics
against enemy forces to win. Therefore this subject is important for soldiers and
officers to learn the tactics and strategies used in battle.
1.2 Curriculum for Military Studies
After the definition of military studies let us look at the subjects that are included in the
curriculum for military studies. The subjects that would be taught include the following:-
i) Skill at arms - Soldiers were taught the use of personal weapons and made to
practice daily, to become an expert in handling the weapons. Different weapons
were used by the ancient armies in which training was required. These were
different types of Gadas, varioys types of weapons used by Central Tribes and
weapons of ancient South Indian armies.
ii) Skill of using bow and arrow - One of the major skills required for the soldiers
during that period, was to learn the use of 'Bow and Arrow' during battles.
Other skills a solider needed were horsemanship and fighting with enemies on horseback
during battles.
1.2.1 Important Aspects in Military Studies
i) Terrain - Study of terrain where the battle will be fought. This subject helps in
making defences, forts (in olden times) and creating obstacles for the enemy.
ii) Tactics - Tactics is the art or plan of deploying army units to maneuver to a
position of advantage in a battle. Different tactics have to be thought over against
different types of enemies and different terrain (fighting in mountains will be
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