Page 14 - LESSION 11.pmd
P. 14

Play and Early Learning

               Language development can be fostered through reading and writing readiness
               activities, e.g., oral expression, listening skills and vocabulary as these are
               components of language. Reading and writing can be cultivated through use of
               pictures, picture books, magazines, newspapers, paper, pencils, slates, sand, crayons,  Notes
               paints and brushes.

               Free conversation e.g., conversation using pictures and objects, telling stories,
               role play, creative drama, puppet play, doll play, etc are used for oral expression.
               Listening games, auditory discrimination, following directions by listening and
               stories are the best way to develop listening skills.
               In brief, concepts must be taught to children in a specific sequence. Some activities
               suggested are the following:

               1.   Arranging objects according to size (big, small, long, short) and quantity
                    (more, less)

               2.   Matching pictures

               3.   Observing plants, animals, clouds, rain, people working, day, night, etc.

               4.   Touching, feeling, tasting and smelling things
               Activities for affective domain: Children develop interest, attitudes, appreciate beauty
               and internalize values. Some activities suggested are :

               1.   Dramatising stories
               2.   Singing songs

               3.   Reciting poems in rhythm

               4.   Dressing up dolls imaginatively

               5.   Speaking about something
               Children imbibe social and emotional skills when they play in groups. They learn
               how to share, take turns and understand that each person has a special identity.
               While engaging in play, they also learn to recognize their limitations as they may
               ‘have to wait  their turn'. Such moments provide understanding emotions and
               regulation of feelings. It is important to know that many social and emotional
               capacities are acquired while engaging in group or individual activities.

               Children also enjoy and learn social values in group celebrations and organized
               festivities. Group plays and games, cleaning the work place, celebrating birthdays
               of each child, being rewarded for good work are the suggested experiences for
               social and emotional development of children.

               Activities for psycho motor domain: Children develop different skills through
               the activities given to them. Therefore, the tasks should be planned in such a
               way that these will in culcate accuracy, precision, concentration and develop fine
               and gross motor skills in children.

               EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION                                                               29
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