Page 11 - LESSION 11.pmd
P. 11

Play and Early Learning

                                 of objects. It is indeed a challenge to provide range of materials to meet the
                                 varying needs of children. Toys have been classified as:

                       Notes     1.   Toys for physical movement and muscular development
                                 2.   Toys for constructive and creative play

                                 3.   Toys for dramatic action, imaginative and fantasy play

                                 Toys and materials can have an age graded arrangement. The following chart
                                 will provide you an idea of the possible categorization:

                                          Birth to 2 years          2 years to 4 years   4 years to 6 years

                                   - Climbing frames, swings        Old tyres            Balance beams
                                   - Sliding objects                Jumping pits         Water play

                                   - Large balls                    Kitchen kits         Sweeping objects
                                   - Run about and pull-along       Blocks               Materials for group
                                      toys                          Picture books        games (cricket,
                                   - Animals on wheels,             puzzles              catch )
                                      wagons and trucks             Drawing and
                                   - Boxes with or without          painting             Swings like slides,
                                                                                         merry-go round
                                      wheels                        Play material for
                                   - Carts, barrows, push- pull     reading       and
                                      toys, rocking objects         writing

                                 Adapted from (Maisnam, Premlata, & Bhargava, Amita. 2013).

                                 11.5.3: Outdoor Arrangements: Outdoor play are a also needs to be divided for
                                 particular play activities. For example, there has to be concrete pathways for riding
                                 a tricycle; sand-pit area along with the play equipment; water-play area; jungle-
                                 gym area; slide and swing area and spacious green area for running. Outdoor
                                 area should be spacious and not limited. Certain play activities can be performed
                                 both indoors and outdoors.
                                 The outdoor play equipment should be arranged to give more opportunities for
                                 large muscle activities like running, climbing, jumping, sliding, crawling, digging
                                 and swinging. In outdoor play area, some equipment like a jumping pit, swings
                                 and slides may be fixed permanently. These should be in adequate proportion
                                 and accessible to small children. Supervision is very essential for outdoor play
                                 activities. The position of certain equipment can be rearranged according to the
                                 seasonal changes like winter and summer as per the needs and convenience of
                                 the players.

                                 11.5.4: Group and individual play: We have seen that children in the school yard
                                 or neighbourhood often play in groups. The group experience extends the values

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