P. 7

Issues and Directions in ECCE

                                 and materials in classroom are functional, easily accessible and safe.  The
                                 classroom setting must promote interaction and encourage children to share,

                       Notes     cooperate and help each other.

                                 b.   Method of teaching and instruction
                                 All the teaching learning process should be child -centred. The preschools must
                                 avoid formal system of teaching learning and thus should discourage rote
                                 memorisation. The learning experiences must be built around play, activities,
                                 experimentation and exploration. Children should be actively engaged in the
                                 process of learning.  Children should be given ample opportunities to satisfy
                                 their curiosity and nurture their creativity, while teachers need to plan age  and
                                 developmentally appropriate activities and material to facilitate learning.

                                 c.   Language of instruction
                                 Language of instruction in an ECCE centre must be the mother tongue. If there
                                 are children who speak mother tongue or the local dialect, the teacher must
                                 allow the use of as many languages as possible.  This would help children
                                 express themselves, participate and learn from each other.

                                 While promoting the mother tongue, teachers should provide exposure to school
                                 language to prepare children for later schooling. Hence, children should be
                                 encouraged to be proficient in their home language or mother tongue first, and
                                 then the school language may be introduced.

                                 d.   Homework
                                 Any kind of homework, especially written work, must be discouraged at the
                                 preschool level and at the early primary stage (classes I and II).  However,
                                 children may be given some of the activities to do at home in consonance with
                                 the activities already done in the preschool to reinforce learning. Parents who
                                 demand homework must be made aware of the adverse effects of homework
                                 on children.

                                 e.   Assessment

                                 Children’s progress should be assessed in a non-threatening manner on a regular
                                 and comprehensive basis through daily observation, play activities, interactions
                                 and anecdotes. These must be recorded or documented regularly. The assessment
                                 should be formative with a view to reinforce and enable the child to develop
                                 optimally. No child should be subjected to any formal tests or examinations,
                                 either written or oral. Assessment shall also be used for early identification and
                                 diagnosis of disabilities or developmental challenges in children.

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