Page 100 - Book-1-373
P. 100
MODULE-2 Psychological Aspects
Dimension of Physical
Education and Yog
Intrinsic Extrinsic
motivation motivation
(from within) (from outside)
Note Pleasure Reward
Self Punishment
Fun Appreciation
Intrinsic motivation is a natural urge of the human beings. Individuals are naturally
motivated and perform an act because of their interest. They perform for their
pleasure, own reward, satisfaction, genuine interest in the activity
Extrinsic motivation – In this kind of motivation the source of pleasure does not
lie within the task. There is no functional relationship to the task. Individual
learns not for his own sake, but as a means of obtaining desired goals or getting
some external reward. For example: Honor, money, receiving praise, Rewards,
avoiding punishment etc.
Amotivation means lack of purpose and intentionality in one’s action. It can be
described as absence of motivation. The Individual is not motivated for a
particular activity. If we compare extrinsic motivation with intrinsic motivation,
intrinsic motivation as a source of natural inspiration and stimulation, and brings
better results. Therefore, it is better to use intrinsic motivation. When it is not
appropriate to make use of intrinsic motivation, use of extrinsic motivation should
not be suspended. Type of motivation should depend on learning situation and
nature of the task.
Choose the correct option-
1) Personality is derived from the Latin word “Persona” which means
a. Face b. Behaviour
c. Attitude d. Mask
2) Psychomotor development is related to
a. Physical Development b. Social Development
c. cognitive Development d. Motor Skill Development
Physical Education and Yog