Page 102 - Book-1-373
P. 102

MODULE-2                                                                       Psychological Aspects
           Dimension of Physical
           Education and Yog         Physical activity can improve the self-confidence in the child.

                                     Participation in sports activity can enhance the personality development.
                                     Regular participation in sports can reduce anxiety.

                                 In short  it can  be said that psychology and sports are interrelated. Sports
                                 psychology can help athletes to enhance their physical performance as well as
                                 psychological performance through  participation. The  following factors
                       Note      contribute the most in performance and the detailed explanations of psychological
                                 factors are presented here.



                                               Arousal regulation

                                                 Figure 6.3: Factors that contribute to performance
                                 Arousal regulation

                                 Arousal is a combination of physiological and psychological characteristics in a
                                 person, and it refers to the intensity dimensions of motivation at a particular
                                 moment. An individual becomes mentally and physically activated. Intensity of
                                 arousal falls along a continuum ranging from not at all aroused (i.e. comatose)
                                 to completely aroused.

                                 Arousal has a direct relationship with physical performance. The two theories
                                 can be considered with respect to relationship of arousal with performance. The
                                 inverted U-theory and drive theory. Drive theory represents the linear relationship
                                 between arousal and performance, which means that if the individual has low
                                 arousal, the performance will be lower, and the player is not psyched up. As
                                 arousal increases, performance increases as per the drive theory whereas Inverted
                                 U theory shows that arousal and performance relationship will be the same as
                                 drive theory up to optimal level where best performance occurs. After that further
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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