Page 98 - Book-1-373
P. 98
MODULE-2 Psychological Aspects
Dimension of Physical
Education and Yog sports. Teacher may also focus on developing the values such as
sportsmanship, team work, dedication, sportsmanship, followship and
leadership. In addition, appreciation is one of the factors which influences
confidence level of the individuals, which affect learning, for example, a
teacher appreciates his students for their good performance in the physical
education which helps to further improve his performance.
Psychomotor – In teaching, psychomotor learning is concerned with the
Note acquisition and refinement of motor skills. A teacher has to focus on the
acquisition of the skills that include both fundamental motor skills as well
as specific skills in various sports activities, keeping in mind the physical
condition, age, and learning stage of the individual.
Motor Skill Learning
Motor learning is an internal process which reflects the level of an individual’s
performance abilities to execute the skill. Skill learning is the acquisition of
Motor Skill as a result of practice. For learning an individual has to practice a
lot. The assessment of the skill learning can be done by observing the individual’s
motor skill performance. For example, one goal is to learn a tennis serve, to
assess how well an individual learned the tennis serve, the teacher would observe
the person performing the skill. When students learn the skills through practice
their performance improves and becomes consistent. These changes in the skill
performance lead the instructor to conclude that the learning has taken place.
Learning can be influenced by various factors like readiness, motivation,
reinforcement, personality, individual differences and level of developmental
stage. An individual’s anxiety, attention and previous experiences can influence
performance. There are three stages of skill learning such as cognitive, affective
and psychomotor. As the individuals are not same in their level of performance,
some may be beginners and some may be average or advanced, the teacher should
be familiar with the stages of the learning so that he can assess their level of
performance. If the individual is in advanced stage, there is no need to practice
that particular skill. It may be concluded that skill learning has taken place. The
detailed explanation of the different stages has been given below.
Stages of Learning
Cognitive Stage
The first stage of learning is cognitive stage. During this stage the learner has to
focus on the verbal and visual instructions of the skill. In this a teacher gives
verbal instruction regarding the skill, and discusses the nature and importance
of the same skill. A learner needs to focus on the instructions. In this stage the
learner may be concerned with such questions as how do I stand in football?
How do I kick the ball for passing? How do I score in this game? Apart from
this, visual instructions in terms of videotape or demonstration of the skill of the
performer executing the same skill could also be used.
Physical Education and Yog