Page 155 - Book-1-373
P. 155

Diet and Nutrition                                                              MODULE-3
                                                                                             Holistic Health

            Water in known for quenching the thirst, but it is something more than that.
                                 Water is a major nutritional component. About two-third
                                 of our weight is water. It is available in all the cells. Water
                                 helps to regulate our body temperature and it also lubricates
                                 the joints and protects the organs and tissues from shocks.
                                 Water also helps in digestion, absorption and acts as a
                                 carrier to transport important substances. For example,        Note
                                 oxygen in the whole body. On a regular basis, we need to
                                 have 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

                      ACTIVITY 10.2

            Fill the following information in the given table:

            i)   List the two main dishes you ate today.

            ii) Identify the food items (ingredients) used in both dishes

            iii) Also identify the macro and micro nutrients present in them.

             S.No.        Dishes eaten      Ingredients             Nutrient

                                                             Macro        Micro



                      INTEXT QUESTIONS 10.3

            1) Answer the following questions

                 a)   Define Vitamins


                 b)   Explain the functions of minerals.


            Physical Education and Yog
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