Page 158 - Book-1-373
P. 158

MODULE-3                                                                         Diet and Nutrition
           Holistic Health
                                 Sattvic Diet

                                                   The foods which are light for digestion and help in calming
                                                   down the mind are regarded as Sattvic diet. It includes fresh
                                                   fruits, veggies and other substances like mangoes, orange,
                                                   apples, grapes, guavas, bananas, papaya, pomegranates, pears,
                                 pineapples, figs, cabbages, spinach, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin,
                                 cucumber, cauliflower, peaches, lady’s finger, dried peas, green pulse, red rice,
                       Note      almonds, oat-meal, raisins, unpolished rice, bengal gram, dried ginger, dates,

                                 green gram, groundnut, honey, lemon etc.

                                 Rajasic Diet

                                 The foods which stimulate the body and excite the desires, making the mind
                                                                  restless  and uncontrollable are termed as
                                                                  Rajasic diet. This type of food also stimulates
                                                                  and activates the nervous system and speeds
                                                                  up metabolic function. This type of food is
                                                                  cooked for a longer duration to increase its
                                                                  taste appeal. It also includes chillies, sour
                                 foods, asafoetida, onion, garlic, tamarind, mustard, tea, coffee, cocoa, white sugar,
                                 turnips, fried food, salt, bitter food, fish, eggs, meat etc.

                                 Tamasic Diet

                                 The foods which are heavy for digestion and increase the laziness and anger in
                                 an individual are called as Tamasic diet. It includes foods cooked twice, fats,
                                                                    oils, fermented  foods,  containing foul
                                                                    odour,  sugary  food, food with
                                                                    preservatives, unclean food, stale and rotten
                                                                    foods, tobacco, alcohol and those which are
                                                                    not at all helpful to nourish our body or

                                           INTEXT QUESTIONS 10.4

                                 1) Answer the following questions–
                                     a)    Define balanced diet.



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