Page 157 - Book-1-373
P. 157

Diet and Nutrition                                                              MODULE-3
                                                                                             Holistic Health

              A balanced diet is the foods and drinks which contains the appropriate
              blend of all nutrients required for normal growth and development and
              function of an individual.
            You may be aware of that diet is perceived in a different way in yog. Now, we
            will study about yogic concept of diet.

              10.4 YOGIC CONCEPT OF DIET

            You are familiar with the term diet. Here, we are going to study what the yogic
            diet is? As you know, yog has emerged very important in today’s society. Yog
            significantly contributes in promotion of health of an individual or group in the
            society. Yog is the combination of physical, mental, and spiritual practices. It is
            believed that our body is made of prana, mind, intellect, emotions and the
            spiritual dimensions. The primary objective of doing yog is to gain control over
            the mind. So, any practices or habits that cause an imbalance of the mind are
            considered to be detrimental to progress in yog. Food is one of the important
            factors among them. In yog the diet is not based on the calorie count of foods or
            nutrients we get from the food. It focuses on the type and quality of food.

              The ‘Yogic diet’ is defined as foods that are conducive to yogic practices
              and progress in spirituality.

            10.4.1   Classification of Yogic Diet

            Yog classifies diet into three types namely- Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic diets.




            Physical Education and Yog
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