Page 123 - Book-2-373
P. 123

prāńāyāma                                                                         MODULE-5
                                                                                                Yogic Practices
            2)   Index finger – Vayu/air element

            3)   Middle finger – Akash/ space element
            4)   Ring finger– prithvi/ earth element

            5)   Little finger – jal/ water element
            Now we will study different types of Mudras-

            Gyan Mudra                                                                          Note

            It is the most popular mudra among hand mudras. It is
            used in all types of practices like meditation, worship,
            healing, dancing etc. The meaning of the Sanskrit word
            “Gyan” is Supreme Knowledge. Popularly known as the
            “mudra  of knowledge,” The  practice  of this  mudra     Fig.22.2: Gyan Mudra
            enhances brain.


            1)   Sit for meditation, relax your body and sit straight.

            2)   Put your hands both in front of your knees and join the tips of your thumb
                 and index finger.

            3)   Touch the tip from skin to skin and not to the nail. Keep the other fingers
                 straight and relaxed.


            1)   This Mudra stimulates the air element of our body and thus empowers mind.

            2)   It helps in increasing concentration and is the best remedy for dullness, in-
                 activeness, and lack of enthusiasm, recklessness, lack of creativity and loss
                 of memory problems.

            3)   People suffering  from Alzheimer’s  disease and other nervous  system
                 disorders will be benefited.

            4)   It helps in decrease of  diseases such  as Hypothyroidism,
                 Hypoparathyroidism, Hypoadrenalism, and Hypopituitarism.

            Daily thirty minutes of practice is enough to get best results of Gyan mudra. You
            can do it at any place or anytime. To get quick results it is preferred in early
            morning with meditation posture.

            1)   Pregnant women should not practise it for long duration without the guidance
                 of a yog teacher.
            Physical Education and Yog
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