Page 145 - Book-2-373
P. 145
No. Content Marks Study
1 Measurement of Health related Fitness Tests( All the Components) 5 12
2 Measurement of Physical and Motor Fitness Test (All the Items) 5 12
3 Skills of any Team/ Individual Game 5 12
4 Yog Practical-I
Sukshma Vyayama
Asana (Surya Namaskar, Forward Bending, Backward 5 12
Bending, Inverted Poses, Twisting, Balancing, Standing)
5 Yog Practical-II
Shatkarma ( Jal Neti, Kunjal, Kapal-bhati, Tratak)
Mudra 12
Meditation 5
6. Record File &Viva 5 12
Total 30 72
Course Description
Module - 1: Concept of Physical Education and Yog
Weightage: 10 Marks Study Hours: 24 Hours
This module is developed to acquaint learners with the basic concept and historical development of
Physical Education and Yog. The learner would be able to understand ethical values inculcated
through physical education. They will be able to learn the importance of wellness and how physical
fitness and wellness can be promoted. They will be able to learn various career avenues available in
physical education & yog.
Physical Education and Yog