Page 155 - Book-2-373
P. 155
Physical Education and Yog (373)
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70
1. In which year the NCC was introduced? 1
(a) 1947 (b) 1948
(c) 1949 (d) 1950
2. Which one of the following 'indicates' the value of 'Excellence'? 1
(a) Giving space to other players
(b) Showing the best behaviour at all times
(c) Doing the best effort
(d) Telling the truth
3. To which one of the following is Psychomotor development related? 1
(a) Social Development
(b) Mental Development
(c) Motor Skill Development
(d) Physical Development
4. Which one of the following is not a sports leaders quality? 1
(a) assume responsibility
(b) Encourage fairplay
(c) Team spirit
(d) Self centred
5. Which one of the following body parts is involved in strain? 1
(a) Bones of joint (b) tenclons and muscells
(c) Blood vessels (d) Nerves
6. An open fracture is one in which 1
(a) The bone breakes but there is no puncture
(b) The bone breaks but there is no wound in the skin
Physical Education and Yog