Page 160 - Book-2-373
P. 160

17.   Components health related of physical fitness.                   4×1           4
                    i)    Coordination of mind and body

                    ii)   Health
                    iii)  Respect for others

                    iv)   Pursuit of Excellence
                    v)    Performance in Sports.

              18.         It is the first stage of learning.                          4             4
                          It allows the learner to develope the skill of
                          performance as learnt during this stage.

                          It helps the learner to plan.
                          This stage allows to commit mistake as learner is
                          slow to perform and his confidence level is also
                          weak at this stage.
                          It prepares the learner to practice.

              19.   i)    Provides Energy                                            4× 1           4
                    ii)   Helps the growth and development of body

                    iii)  Repairs the wear and tear in our body
                    iv)   Protects from diseases

                    v)    Any other relevant point
              20.   Physical exercises for age group 9 to 12.                        4×1            4

                    i)    Physical strenght
                    ii)   Endurance

                    iii)  Speed
                    iv)   Flexibility

                    v)    Coordinative abilities
              21.   (i)   It purifies the body to reach at the higher realm of        4             4

                    (ii)  It is helpful in curing various diseases and problems.
                    (iii) It is helpful in relaxing the mind and releases tension.

                    (iv)  It tones our nerves, muscles and visceral organs and makes
                          our body and mind fit.

                    (v)   It helps to keep spine flexible and supple.

              Physical Education and Yog
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