Page 73 - Book-2-373
P. 73
Hatha Yog MODULE-5
Yogic Practices
is tasted. Ajna chakra starts from new line- The word ajna means order or
command. In deeper states of mediation the disciple receives commands and
guidance from the guru, divine or higher self, this is why the name of this chakra
is ajna. It is also named as third eye, jnana chakshu, triveni, guru chakra, eye of
shiva and eye of wisdom. It is located in the mid brain, behind the eyebrow
centre, at the top of the spine. This chakra is depicted as a silver lotus with two
petals, which represent the sun and moon. Here two pranic flows which are
responsible for the experience of duality, converge at this centre with sushumna,
the spiritual force. The element of this chakra is the mind. This is the centre Note
where wisdom and intuition develop. With the awakening of ajna chakra, mind
becomes stable, steady and strong.
When ajna chakra is awakened telepathy and thought transmission power comes
to the aspirant. It is like a psychic doorway opening into deeper and higher
realms of awareness. With this it awakens intelligence, memory and
The very meaning of sahasrar is one thousand. Sahasrar is visualized as a shining
louts of a thousand petals. It is situated at the crown of the head. it is a place of
highest consciousness. At this chakra the mystical union of shiva and shakti take
place, the fusion of consciousness with matter and energy, the individual soul
with the’ supreme soul. When kundalini awakens, it ascends through the chakras
and finally reaches to sahasrara and here matter and energy merge into pure
consciousness in a state of bliss. This is a place of supreme knowledge and
The main aim of Hatha hoga is to awaken kundalini and establish it in sahasrara
chakra. Shakti is kundalini energy, Shiva is the supreme consciousness seated in
sahasrar chakra. The union of shakti to shiva is the prime objective of Hatha
Yog. To ascend energy from mooladhara to sahasrar, the supreme consciousness
hatha yog has devised shatakarma, asan, pranayama , mudra, bandh and samadhi.
In order to purify mind, it is necessary to purify the body as a whole. Hatha Yog
devised shatakarma technique at the very beginning. It is a combination of six
purifying techniques. Swami Swatmaram depicts it as follows:
‘Dhautirabastistatha netistratakam naulim tatha, kapalbhatishchaitani
shatkarmani prachashhate.” (Hatha Yog Pradeepika - 2/22)
This means that there are six purifying techniques – Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Tratak,
Nauli and Kapal Bhati.
Along with this asana, pranayam, bandh and mudra techniques are to be practised
to reach the highest level of consciousness.
Physical Education and Yog