Page 98 - Book-2-373
P. 98

MODULE-5                                                                                Asana
              Yogic Practices
                                 It is a set of 12 fixed yog asana, which is done in a certain order.

                                 20.3.1   The method of Surya Namaskar


                                      First stand erect with the feet together and the arms hanging loosely by the
                                      side of the body.
                       Note           Close the eyes gently and be aware of whole physical body.

                                      Take the awareness to the eyebrow centre and visualize  the red rising sun
                                      infusing the whole body and mind with its vitalizing and healing rays.

                                 First Position: Pranamasana (prayer pose )

                                      Slowly bend the elbows and place the palms together in front of the chest in

                                      Relax the whole body and breath normally.

                                      Pray to God for sound health and wisdom.

                                 Second Position :    Hasta-Uttanasana

                                      Raise and stretch both arms above the head.

                                      Keep the arms separate shoulder width apart.

                                      Bend the head, arms, and upper trunk backward as much as is comfortable.

                                      Inhale while raising the arms and exhale while bending back.
                                 Third Position:   Padaahastasana

                                      Now, bend forward slowly and try to keep your palms on the floor besides
                                      the feet and forehead to the knees.

                                      But do not strain and keep the knees straight.
                                      Exhale while bending forward

                                      Contra-indications –People with back problems, sciatica, slip-disk etc.
                                      should not do this pose.   In these conditions forward bending is prohibited.

                                 Fourth Position: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

                                      Now stretch the right leg back as far as possible and  simultaneously bend
                                      the left knee as much as possible comfortably.
                                      Give  a curve to  the back and try to gaze upward . Make sure that right
                                      knee should be on the floor.
                                      Inhale while stretching  the right leg back.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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