Page 102 - Book-2-373
P. 102

MODULE-5                                                                                Asana
              Yogic Practices
                                      Balancing Asanas

                                      There are many Balancing Asanas like Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Ek padasana
                                      Garunaasana, Bakasana, Mayurasana, Kukkutasan etc.

                                      Relaxing Asanas

                                      There are many Relaxing Asanas like Shavasana, Balasana, Makarasana,
                                      We will study and practice all the above categories of Asana during the
                                      Practical Session.

                                           INTEXT QUESTIONS 20.4

                                 Match the following in a meaningfull way:
                                          A                                   B

                                 i.   Titli Asana                         a.   Inverted asana

                                 ii.  Astang Namaskar                     b.   Balancing
                                 iii. Dhanurasana                         c.   Backward Bending asana
                                 iv. Natrajasana                          d.   Surya Nmaskar

                                 v.   Sarvangasana                        e.   Sukshma vayama

                                           WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT

                                      Yog plays an important role in physical fitness, mental harmony, emotional
                                      balance, spiritual and moral values or overall personality development.

                                      ‘Asana’ is the third important ladder of Ashtanga Yog in the Patanjali

                                      It is essential that we should  perform the Yogic Sukshma Vyayama before
                                      practising of Asana. Because Yogic SukshmaVyayama prepares our body
                                      for practising of Asana.

                                      Maharshi Patanjali has defined Asana in an easy way in his treatise ‘Yogsutra’
                                      ‘Sthirasukhamasanam”                       (2/46 P.Y.S).

                                      The word Sukshma means subtle and Vayayam means exercise. So those
                                      exercises which are mild, easy and have deep rooted effects are considered
                                      as Sukshma Vayayam.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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