Page 103 - Book-2-373
P. 103

Asana                                                                            MODULE-5
                                                                                               Yogic Practices
                 Sukshma Vayayam can be classified broadly in four categories:

                 i.  Practice of Leg Joints

                 ii.  Practice of Hand Joints

                 iii. Practice of Neck Joints

                 iv. Practice of Eye

                 Surya Namaskara means salutation to the sun.  It can be seen as a form of      Note
                 worship of the sun. In yogic terms this  indicates  that Surya Namaskara
                 awakens the solar aspects of an individual’s nature and releases this vital
                 energy for the development of higher awareness.

                      TERMINAL QUESTIONS

            1.   Describe the Practice of Surya-namaskara with names of all positions and
                 its benefits.

            2.   Write the techniques of hands joints S V and give its benefits.
            3.   What is meant by Asana? Classify them.

            4.   Write short notes on:
                 i)  Eye practices ,

                 ii) Leg Joints Practices

                      ANSWERS TO INTEXT QUESTIONS


            1)   ‘Sthirasukhamasanam”

            2)   In Hatha Yog, it is strongly believed that the practice of Asana gives control
                 on our body and mind is therefore automatically controlled.


            i)   subtle

            ii)  four


            i)   Surya Namaskara means salutation to the sun.
            Physical Education and Yog
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