Page 7 - LESSION 11.pmd
P. 7

Play and Early Learning

                                 There are certain patterns and sequence in play behaviour that children display
                                 as they grow.

                       Notes     Play in First Two Years

                                 Sensorimotor play, play with objects, symbolic and social play with adults are
                                 the main types of infant play. Play at this age is rooted in the movement of the
                                 body and discovering the possibilities with movement of hands and feet.

                                 Sensorimotor play occurs when there is repetition of sensory or motor activity.
                                 Chilren do so for their happiness. As they approach one year of age, their interest
                                 moves to the surroundings as they can move on their own and become familiar
                                 with others.

                                 Play with an object starts at four to five months because, by this time, children has
                                 acquired eye-hand coordination and can grasp things around .
                                 Symbolic play starts after the first year. The process of substituting one object
                                 for the other is very common. For example, using a wooden piece as a telephone

                                 In the second year, object play reaches  maturity. Differentiating objects according
                                 to their size and shape is a noticeable change during these year. Social play with
                                 adults starts after the age of one and a half year. Playing with peer groups and

                                 other family members continues for the next few years.

                                 Ages 2 to 5
                                 During this period, all play becomes more purposeful. The size of the group for
                                 social play increases and the play becomes challenging with cooperation and
                                 compromise. Play and play mates become more selective, and selection is done
                                 according to their interest on the basis of age and gender.

                                 Parallel play and solitary play are two special varieties of play observed in children
                                 after two years of age. Solitary play means playing alone and parallel play means
                                 independent play in the same play and in the same group. Amount of time spent
                                 for make-believe play (symbolic) increases at this period. Dramatic play is the
                                 feature of this age group. In dramatic play, children play the role of a shopkeeper
                                 or a family member.

                                 Ages 5 to 12

                                 At this age, children enter elementary school. The play pattern becomes more
                                 systematic and regulated. The strength of make believe play reduces gradually
                                 and play becomes logical and rule dominated. They start to play competitive and
                                 serious games with rules like basketball and football . The number of participants
                                 (at least two) and their behaviour are controlled by some strict rules and group

           22                                                       EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION
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