P. 1

Issues and Directions in ECCE


                                          ISSUES AND DIRECTIONS

                                                             IN ECCE

                                  Early childhood is a significant period which sets the base for later learning
                                  and development. During this time, the experiences and opportunities provided
                                  to children influence their development, especially that of the brain. So,
                                  ensuring access to quality and equitable early care and education becomes
                                  The Incheon Declaration for Education 2030 also encourages the provision of
                                  at least one year of free and compulsory quality preschool education for all
                                  children. With this view, access to equitable and early investment in quality
                                  Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) services and programmes became
                                  vital in India. The initiatives taken by the Government of India clearly reflect
                                  the influence of and adherence to this global ECCE commitment. Recently, an
                                  all India educational survey conducted by the NCERT and NUEPA indicate the
                                  constant increase in the accessibility of ECCE services to all children. However,
                                  the surveys reveal that the quality of ECCE is at risk especially the education
                                  component for the age group of three to six years. The reasons behind them
                                  are the lack of age and developmentally appropriate curriculum, facilities,
                                  infrastructure, teaching learning material, resources, funds, qualified and
                                  trained teachers, standard assessment system, and convergence. Apart from this,
                                  predominance of formal teaching and rote memorization, inadequate attention
                                  to classroom arrangement and display, ignorance of age and developmental
                                  needs and capabilities of children, lack of community ownership, lack of
                                  hygienic and healthy habits etc. are critical issues. These need to be attended
                                  to and rectified at individual, institutional and government levels.

                                          LEARNING OUTCOMES
                                  After studying this lesson, you will be able to:

                                  •   explain the issues in ECCE; and
                                  •   discuss the directions to address the issues in  ECCE.

           64                                                       EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION
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