Page 123 - Book-1-373
P. 123

Spiritual Aspects                                                               MODULE-2
                                                                                             Dimension of Physical
                                                                                             Education and Yog

            The first yogic text ‘Yog sutra’ is written by Maharishi Patanjali. Yoga  Sutra
            were written to explain the process and practical methods of raising levels of
            awareness, gaining deeper wisdom, exploring the potential of the mind and
            eventually going beyond the mind. This system of yoga progressively attempts
            to transcend the outer environment of the physical body, and directs the awareness
            of the inner awareness. Ashtanga yog or Patanjali yog is identified by Maharishi    Note
            Patanjali. It is the path of yoga in which we attempt to explore our consciousness.
            Specifically, Patanjali Yoga system consists of eight steps or limbs on which the
            aspirant must progressively master on the path of self-realization; they are -
            Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
            Hence, this is called Ashtanga yoga (the yoga of eight stages).  Raj Yoga (including
            Patanjali yoga or Ashtang yoga) is the science of the mind. It is the science of
            mental discipline and includes various methods of making the mind one pointed.

            8.4.1 Importance of Patanjali yog in context of Swasthya

            The world health organization defines swasthya (health) as “Health is a state of
            complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
            disease or infirmity”.

            The spiritual movement starts from the gross to the more subtle.  Now it is very
            clear that we can attain a state of social, physical, mental and spiritual well-
            being.  Yama and Niyama are for social well-being, asana and pranayama are for
            physical well-being, pranayama, pratyahara and dharana are for mental well-
            being, dhyana and Samadhi are for the spiritual state of well-being.

            According to the yogic concept and Indian concept the word Swasthya means—
            Swa (self) & asthya (established). So we can say health is a self-established
            state. Now we have to understand ‘self’. Yoga believes five levels of bodies.
            These five bodies are called Panch Kosha, which all together represents whole
            being or self.

            Panch kosha are mentioned as below-

            1.   Annamaya Kosha -  Physical body

            2.   Manomaya Kosha - Mental body

            3.   Pranamaya Kosha  - Pranic body  (the dimension of energy )

            4.   Vijnanamaya Kosha - Intuitive body

            5.   Anandmaya  Kosha - The body of bliss

            Physical Education and Yog

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