Page 128 - Book-1-373
P. 128

MODULE-2                                                                           Spiritual Aspects
           Dimension of Physical
           Education and Yog     Antar Mouna – It is also a Pratyahara practice. Antar mouna means inner silence,
                                 but in this practice we observe all sensory inputs. The most important feature of
                                 this practice is to develop attitude of witness (Sakshi Bhav). This witness attitude
                                 initially against sensory inputs then thoughts, emotions and at last for life. This
                                 practice develop mental and emotional endurance.

                                 Dharna Practices - Chidakash Dharna, Chakra Sudhi, Chakra Dharna

                       Note      Chakra Dharna- It is a very advance and spiritual practice. Some preparations
                                 and proper guidance is required for this practice. In this Dharna practice first,
                                 we have to visualize inner body as a space than visualization of different chakras
                                 its location colour with Bija mantra and then more subtle.

                                 Dhyan - Ajapa-jap, Vipasana

                                 Ajapa-japa- It is a very traditional meditative practice and considered as a Vedic
                                 Sadhana. There are different variations of this practice. The word japa can be
                                 define as the continuous repetition of a mantra. Ajapa is the process spontaneous
                                 process of mantra repetition. As the concentration becomes  more and more
                                 focused on the japa, ones whole being starts pulsating with the mantra.

                                 It is said that the Japa comes from the mouth whereas Ajapa comes from the
                                 breath and from the heart. There are different psychic passage for this meditation.

                                           INTEXT QUESTIONS 8.3

                                 Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:

                                 1.   In Ashtang Yog philosophy Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi are called ..........

                                 2.   ......................................... & ............................... are pratyahara practices.

                                           WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNT

                                      Spirituality is connecting with the positive and the creative aspect of life,
                                      not self-realization,  but  becoming  good, doing  good, softening  the
                                      sentiments, feelings and thoughts. Spirituality is the antidote to materialism.

                                      Inner awareness is the most important aspect to be developed in these days.
                                      In this modern life style most of the time we remain under external inputs
                                      by different gadgets. Our thoughts, actions, behaviours and the whole life

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