Page 126 - Book-1-373
P. 126

MODULE-2                                                                           Spiritual Aspects
           Dimension of Physical
           Education and Yog
                                 Dharna- It means to hold or bind the mind at one point. It follows the state of
                                 Pratyahara, so that by internalizing the awareness the senses ultimately follow
                                 the mind. Dharana practices are- Chidakash Dharana, Hridayakash Dharana.

                                 Dhyan- It merely an extension of Dharana. It arises when one is able to maintain
                                 a smooth, unfluctuating flow of concentration towards the inner symbol for a
                                 period of time.
                                 Samadhi- This is the state where there is complete absence of both external
                                 and internal mental modifications; all that remains is awareness. Samadhi brings
                                 self- realization.

                                 Learners as we have discussed about concept of spirituality, we are very convinced
                                 that Asthang yog is a complete package for spiritual nourishment. Yama and
                                 Niyam are to develop human quality, to be sensitive and sincere about self and
                                 surrounding. Pranayama and Pratyahara are for mental tranquillity, to develop
                                 positivity and to develop inner awareness. Dharna and Dhyan to direct attention
                                 and awareness towards discovering your inner nature, and that is where we find
                                 peace. Inner peace, satisfaction and pleasure are ultimate of spirituality.

                                   8.5 CONCEPT OF MEDITATION

                                 Meditation is a process of total perception, total consciousness and unconditional
                                 awareness by which we are trying to come closer to our higher self. When we
                                 are able to transcend the world of senses and when we are able to transcend the
                                 world of experiences for a short period that is called meditation. It is a state
                                 when we are able to transcend the memories of the past, the anticipation of
                                 future and the anxieties of the present, when we are able to forget for the time
                                 being; our name and form, our placement, our position, our environment. When
                                 we able to become aware of something inside ourself that is called meditation.
                                 In the practice of meditation practitioner tries to acquire complete knowledge of
                                 his mind and at the same time to acquire a system of training and regulating the
                                 infinite capacities and potential of the mind.

                                 Dhyan yog or meditative practice of yog is not like that you close your eyes and
                                 enter into a state of  total darkness  and unconsciousness. Dhyan means  an
                                 expanded state of mind, awakening of one’s full creative potential. Meditative
                                 state does not mean switch off your mind but it is a dynamic state of awareness.
                                 With meditation or Dhyan yog we start a new chapter in our life. Once we are
                                 involve in Dhyan yog or meditative practice in the correct way our experiences
                                 and our personality will become steady and lasting. Our attitude toward life will
                                 be fantastic.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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