Page 127 - Book-1-373
P. 127

Spiritual Aspects                                                               MODULE-2
                                                                                             Dimension of Physical
            Meditation is related to the evolution of human consciousness.                   Education and Yog

            The sole objective for human being should be to evolve spiritually. To evolve
            spiritually means to be able to understand what lies within us beyond the body,
            beyond the senses, beyond the mind and beyond the ordinary understanding.
            This is the process of expansion of consciousness. This external existence and
            this external experience are not the ultimate one. There is something beyond it.
            There are layers and layers of experiences that can be experience through the
            process of meditation.                                                              Note

            Meditation should be balanced with karma yoga and bhakti yoga, we have to
            work on karma and samskara.

            8.5.1 Some Meditative Techniques

            In Ashtang Yog philosophy Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi are called antarang

            Pratyahara is gateway to antarang yog, it is withdraw from external senses. It is
            the practice which prepare for meditation. Pratyahara practices train our mind
            for meditation.

            Dharna means internal concentration of mind. It is the step before meditation
            and is concerned with fixing awareness on one object. In the very beginging it
            not possible. By experience one can realize how difficult it is to maintain
            awareness of one object without any thought intervention. The mind is full of
            inner chatter in the form of memories of the past and projection of the future.
            Various methods can be used to induce mental one- pointedness. Religions in
            general try to induce it through rituals, pooja or worship, chanting, prayer and so
            forth. Yoga utilizes a psychic symbol (Prateek) as a focal point for Dharna.

            These days’ common meditative practices are Pratyahara and Dharna.

            Pratyahara Practices may be done with Yog Nidra and Antar Mouna.

            Yoga Nidra- Yoga Nidra means sleep with trace of awareness. It is a state before
            sleep and during the practice awareness remains in sub conscious level .It is an
            art of relaxation and more efficient and effective form of psychic and physiological
            rest. Through the practice of  yog nidra threefold tensions  can be released
            (muscular tension, emotional tension and mental tension). It is not a concentration
            practice, it is a practice of pratyahara stage. Yog nidra is the best yogic technique
            to manage psychosomatic disease. In the practice of yog nidra we can put on
            something positive, creative and we can release negative aspect of our personality
            as phobia, bad habits.

            Physical Education and Yog

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