Page 107 - Book-2-373
P. 107
Pranayam MODULE-5
Yogic Practices
1) Name the root words of Pranayam with their meaning.
2) Mark the following statements as 'True' or 'False'
a) Pranayam is considered as only a breathing technique to provide extra
oxygen to the lungs. ( )
b) Pranayam is an important part of yog and is mentioned in almost all
texts of yog. ( )
c) Pranayam can be practised even after not getting expertise in asanas.
( )
Let us know about Pre –Pranayam Practices:
The process of Pranayam is concerned with the breathing which is an indicator
of life. So, if it is done in a wrong manner, it may harm us as we have just
studied. Therefore, it needs some preparations. As we know that Pranayam is
advanced yogic technique. A sound and healthy body is a must for the practice
of Pranayam.
In the last topic, we have discussed about Prana, Pranayam and its impact on our
life. Now we will learn about pre-Pranayam practices i.e. about the preparation
technique of Pranayam practices. They are-
21.2.1 Asana
There are so many practices which are advisable for Pranayam and for the
preparation of Pranayam. To successfully practise and attain the full benefits of
breath control and pranayam, it is necessary that it be built on the solid foundation
of a steady and comfortable sitting posture. The spine should be straight and
perpendicular to the floor so that respiratory muscles can do deep breathing
which is an essential requirement. Bad and poorly performed posture will lead
to shallow breathing and low stamina. So, Asan is given utmost importance. So
one should develop expertise in any one of the following Asanas-
Physical Education and Yog