Page 121 - Book-2-373
P. 121
prāńāyāma MODULE-5
Yogic Practices
In the previous lesson we have learnt about Pranayam and its benefits in detail.
Now in this lesson we will learn about Mudra and bandha. Practice of Mudra
and Bandha is considered to be more effective than practice of asan and Pranayam.
So the persons, who cannot perform or are unable to perform asan and pranayam,
can avail the benefits by practising Mudra and Bandha to maintain their health.
In yog these are used to regulate pran energy i.e. vital force which you have
studied in previous lesson.
After studying this lesson you will be able to:
explain the meaning of Mudra and its importance;
explain the methods of various types of Mudra and
elaborate the meaning of Bandha and its importance.
Mudra is a symbolic gesture used in yog. The Sanskrit meaning of the word
Mudra is- ‘gesture’, ‘mark’ or ‘seal’. In yog and meditation Mudras are most
commonly known as hand positions, which are believed to affect the flow of
energy in the body and chakras by clearing the psychic centers and energy
There are various types of mudras and each type has a specific effect on the
body and mind. Although hand mudras are most common in yog, there are also
face, postural, lock and other mudras. The main texts concerning the use of
mudras are the Hatha Yog Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita. The Hatha Yog
Pradipika describes 10 Mudras whereas the Gheranda Samhita describes 25
Physical Education and Yog