Page 118 - Book-2-373
P. 118

MODULE-5                                                                             Pranayam
              Yogic Practices
                                      Asan - To successfully practise and attain the full benefits of Pranayam, it
                                      is necessary that it should be built on the solid foundation of a steady and
                                      comfortable Asan. Thus one should attain expertise in any one of these
                                      Asanas- Siddhasan, Sukhasan Padmasan.

                                      Breathing Practice- Breathing lies at the centre  of human existence.
                                      Therefore, it  forms core of any Yogic practice. There are four types of
                                      breathing- Natural, Abdominal, Thoracic and Yogic breathing.
                       Note           Components of Pranayam- There are three components of Pranayam –

                                      Poorak, Rechak and Kumbhak.

                                      There are different types of Pranayam told in yogic scripture and the common
                                      in all of them are Suryabhedi, Ujjayi, Bhramri, Bhastrika, Sheetali and
                                      Sheetkari, Nadi shodhan/ anulom- vilom.

                                      Nadi shodhan literally means “channel clearing”. It is a basic and purifying
                                      Pranayam  that alternates the blockage of each nostril to channel air in
                                      concentrated flow.

                                      Bhramari Pranayam- we exhale making a humming sound similar to
                                      humming sound of bees.
                                      Sheetkari Pranayam- In this we inhale through our mouth with the sound of
                                      ‘sheetkar’ which is produced on inhaling.
                                      Sheetali Pranayam- As the name ‘sheetal’ suggests cool, calm and soothing,
                                      this Pranayam also helps us to achieve the same in practice.

                                      Ujjayi Pranayam- This Pranayam is about mimicking the oceanic sound or
                                      the sound of the waves. Both inhalation and exhalation are through the

                                      Bhastrika Pranayam- This Pranayam resembles the blowing of bellows,
                                      hence it is called Bhastrika Pranayam. Basically it is fast breathing,

                                      Suryabhedi Pranayam- To pierce or  purify Pingala Nadi is suryabhedi
                                      Pranayam. In this Pranayam, we inhale and exhale through the right nostril.
                                      In yogic meditation, breath training is essential preparation for deep
                                      meditation and Samadhi on the path to self-realization. Breath is the bridge
                                      between the body and the mind. Regulate breath, the body and mind will
                                      follow accordingly. This is how Pranayam leads to meditation.

                                           TERMINAL QUESTIONS

                                 1)   Describe the role and importance of pre-Pranayam practices.

                                 2)   How breath, prana and mind are influenced by each other. Explain.

                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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