Page 122 - Book-2-373
P. 122
MODULE-5 prāńāyāma
Yogic Practices
22.1.1 Importance of Yog Mudra
Yog in general is considered to be a combination of postures (for stretching) and
breathing techniques (for calming and relaxation). Postures (Asan) affect all the
body systems while breathing practices (Pranayam) bring awareness of the
relationship between the body and mind.
Note 1) It helps in flow of prana in the body if it combines with yogic breathing
2) It creates a connection with brain.
3) It makes change in the sensory organs, glands, veins and tendons.
4) The use of mudras adjusts the flow of energy affecting the balance of air,
fire, water earth and ether for healing.
5) Mudra is a practice of physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
A) Fill in the blanks the appropriae words:
1) .................................................. is a symbolic gesture used in yog.
2) ................................................. Mudras are most common in yog.
3) Mudras described in the Hatha Yog Pradipika are .................................
whereas in the Gheranda Samhita ........................................... Mudras.
Hast Mudra Space
Earth Air
The well being of our health can be controlled by
the fingers of our hand because the fingers are Water Akash Vayu
essentially electrical circuits. It can adjust the flow Prathvi
of energy. Touching the fingers of hand in Jal Fire
different positions is known as Hast Mudra. Agni
The Hast mudra can be used to balance five vital
elements of the body through five fingers of the
hand. Each finger represents each element. These
are as follows:
1) Thumb – Agni/ fire element Fig.22.1: Fingers Representing
Physical Education and Yog