Page 7 - LESSION 10.pmd
P. 7

Care of Children in Early Years

                    3. Babies need sleep to grow as they are in the stage of _________

                    4. Weaning foods are ______________________preparations given to           Notes
                        babies when they transition from mother’s _________________.

               B. Match the following.
                    i)  Tetanus                a) Hygiene

                    ii) Touch                  b) Visual growth
                    iii) Facial gestures       c) Language and movement

                    iv) Cleaning eyes          d) Comforting and soothing
                    v) Infant games            e) Immunization

                         ACTIVITY 10.1

                 Cut and paste two pictures of childcare centres taken from newspapers, internet,
                 magazine or neighbourhood. Comment on the activities and materials shown
                 in the pictures with reference to care of children during early years.

                     QUALITY PATHWAYS OF CARE

               Children deserve quality care and education from the start! The quality of childcare
               has a direct impact on children’s ability to learn, to build healthy relationships,
               and to become the best they can be. It has been stated earlier that early childhood
               is a period of rapid development. It is the foundation for lifelong learning. Indeed,
               if children get a lazy start, we lose human potential and it will weaken future
               returns in adult life. A high quality ECCE programme provides a safe and nurturing
               environment while promoting the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual
               development of young children.
               We are sowing the seeds of strong roots and foundations for later life. Infants
               and toddlers especially need a childcare setting where they can thrive with
               caregivers who understand how to promote their healthy growth and development.
               Young children need a schedule that is responsive to their needs, including
               appropriate stimulation and time to rest. Conditions that generally foster a safe,
               nurturing and stimulating environment for children are:

               •    Low child/caregiver ratio
               •    Small group size
               •    Motivated and sensitive caregivers
               •    Positive caregiver/child interactions
               •    Age and developmentally appropriate activities and stimulating materials
                    such as blocks, toys, colours, beads etc.
               EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION                                                                7
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