Page 110 - Book-2-373
P. 110

MODULE-5                                                                             Pranayam
              Yogic Practices

                                   21.3 COMPONENTS OF PRANAYAM

                                 There are three components of Pranayam – Poorak, Rechak and Kumbhak. They
                                 are as follows-

                                 1)   Poorak or inhalation – It means complete inhaling (swas)
                                 2)   Rechaka or exhalation- It means complete exhaling (praswas)
                                 3)   Kumbhak – it means retention of breath. It is further divided into 2 parts.
                                      i)   Antar Kumbhak – Retention of breath after poorak

                                      ii)  Bahir Kumbhak – Retention of breath after rechak.
                                      The most important component of  Pranayam practice  is Kumbhak or
                                      retention of breath.

                                      Kumbhak should be practised under the supervision of expert.
                                      Those who are suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems should
                                      not practise Kumbhak in their Pranayam practice.

                                 21.3.1   Different Types of Pranayam

                                 In various yogic scriptures, we find different types of Pranayama (here Kumbhak)
                                 but the common types seen in all of them are Suryabhedi, Ujjayi, Bhramri,
                                 Bhastrika, Sheetali and Sheetkari. Nadi shodhan/ anulom- vilom is performed
                                 before doing all these Pranayam.

                                 For easy understanding, here they are categorized under following headings.
                                 They are -

                                 1)   Balancing Pranayam — Nadi Shodhan Pranayam
                                 2)   Tranquilizing Pranayam — Bhramri, Ujjayi

                                 3)   Cooling Pranayam —— Sheetli, Sheetkari
                                 4)   Heating Pranayam – Bhastrika, Suryabhedi

                                 Now, we will study these in brief. The method of doing all these, we will learn in
                                 practical manual.

                                 21.3.2 Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
                                 Nadi shodhan literally means “channel clearing”. Though it is not a Pranayam
                                 yet it is considered as one of the basic types of Pranayam. The study of Pranayam
                                 must start with such basic procedure, so that it becomes easier to study and
                                 practise the different types of Pranayam. The Vayu cannot enter the Nadis if
                                 they are full of impurities. With this in mind, we study this Nadi Shodhan
                                 Pranayam first. It is a purifying Pranayam that alternates the blockage of each
                                                                                     Physical Education and Yog
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