Page 111 - Book-2-373
P. 111
Pranayam MODULE-5
Yogic Practices
nostril to channel air in a concentrated flow. It must be done before doing any
Following steps instruct how to perform nadi shaodhan:
Sit down in any above mentioned Asan keeping spine erect.
Now, use your right hand thumb to close the right side of your nose. Inhale
slowly and deeply using the left nostril.
Next, close the left nostril with fingers and exhale using the right one. Note
In the same way, now with the left nostril still closed, inhale using the right
nostril and exhale with the left one. This is one cycle.
You can continue doing this practice for around 10-15 cycles.
Fig.21.2: Nadi Shodhan or Alternate Nostril Breathing
Though simple in practice, yet it is very helpful in making the respiratory
system improve functionally. It strengthens all the respiratory organs which
are quite helpful in further advancement of the practice of Pranayam.
It is a basic practice with no limitation except retention of breath. Alternate
nostril breathing is a safe practice.
It ensures that the whole body is nourished by an extra supply of oxygen.
The brain centers are functioning at their optimum level.
It clears pranic blockages and balances the nadis including Ida and Pingla
Nadis, which leads Sushumna Nadi to flow properly resulting in spiritual
awakening. Hence, it is known as balancing Pranayam.
It balances both the hemispheres of the brain. On the physical level, it
balances nervous system. It develops inner awareness and sense of deep
Awareness – On the alternate nostril breathing and eyebrow centre.
Physical Education and Yog