Page 112 - Book-2-373
P. 112

MODULE-5                                                                             Pranayam
              Yogic Practices
                                 21.3.3 Bhramari Pranayam – Humming Bee Breathing

                                 In this type of Pranayam we exhale making a humming sound, the sound of ‘m’,
                                 as in the third letter of ‘aum’. It resembles the typical humming sound of bees.
                                 That’s why, it is called Bhramari Pranayam. Exhale slowly and do not strain.
                                 The sound should be smooth, even and controlled. It should be done under the
                                 guidance of expert.


                                                          Fig.21.3: Bhramari Pranayam

                                 Contra-indications: Severe ear infection, ear ache, recent abdominal surgery.

                                 If there is any feeling of faintness, dizziness, excessive perspiration or vomiting
                                 sensation, it should be stopped immediately.

                                 Benefits –

                                      It is a tranquilizing Pranayama. So it is best suited for insomnia (sleeplessness)

                                      It relieves tension, anger and anxiety.

                                      It develops concentration and memory.

                                      It controls high blood pressure.

                                      It strengthens the throat and voice, useful for any throat problems.

                                      It is good for thyroid problems.

                                 21.3.4   Sheetkari Pranayam

                                 In Pranayam, we inhale through our mouth with the sound of ‘sheetkar’ which is
                                 produced on inhaling. Bring the teeth together lightly. Separate the lips so that
                                 teeth are exposed and then fold the tongue behind teeth to touch soft palate.
                                 Inhale slowly through the teeth. Close the mouth and exhale slowly through the
                                 nose. Keep the breaths slow and relaxed.

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