Page 114 - Book-2-373
P. 114

MODULE-5                                                                             Pranayam
              Yogic Practices


                                                           Fig.21.5: Sheetli Pranayam

                                 Contra-indications: -Same as Sheetkari Pranayam.


                                      It cools and reduces mental and emotional excitation. Other benefits are
                                      similar to Sheetkari Pranayam.

                                 Both sheetli and sheetkari Pranayam are very useful in developing resistance
                                 against heat.

                                 21.3.6   Ujjayi Pranayam (The Psychic/Victorious Breath)

                                 Ujjayi means the ocean and this Pranayam is about mimicking the oceanic sound
                                 or the sound of the waves. In Ujjayi breathing, both inhalation and exhalation
                                 are through the nose. It is a diaphragmatic breath which fills the lower belly
                                 first, then the lower rib cage, the upper chest and throat. The opening between
                                 the vocal cords is contracted/ narrowed, creating a rushing or hissing sound.
                                 This audible breathing has been linked to ocean waves or snoring of a baby.

                                 Contra-indications – People who are introvert by nature or suffering from fluid
                                 retention or low blood pressure should not practise this Pranayam.

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