Page 17 - Curriculum-Sample-Paper
P. 17


                                               Marking Scheme

              Q.    Expected value points                                        Distribution    Total
              No.                                                                 of Marks       Marks

              1.    (b)  (1948)                                                       1             1
              2.    (b)   Showing the best behaviour at all times                     1             1

              3.    (c)   Motor skill development                                     1             1
              4.    (d)   Self centred                                                1             1

              5.    b)    Tenclons and muscells                                       1             1
              6.    d)    The bone breaks through the skin                            1             1

              7.    Phhysical education is the combination of two words - physical    2            2
                    and education. The word physical refers to body and indicates
                    bodily characteristics. The word education means systematic
                    instructions or training or preparation for life.

                    Physiccal education is a science of complete development of
                    the individual by participating in physical activities and sports.

              8.    (i)   They provide training framework of sports practices.        2            2

                    (ii)  Develope the qualities of leadership through sports.
                    (iii) Training for fair play
                    (iv)  Stimulate the educational process through sporting activities.

                    (v)   Any other.

              9.    i)    Periodic medical examination of the students                2             2
                    ii)   Regular medical check ups and follow up
                    iii)  Prevention of communication diseases - immunization programme

                    iv)   First Aid

                    v)    Cleanliness
                    vi)   Check up of Eye sight and Dental Health

              10.         Meditation is a process of total perception. Total        2 × 1           2
                          conciousness and unconditional awareness by which
                          we are trying to come closer to our higher self.

                          Through meditation the practioner tries to acquire
                          comple knowledge of his mind.

              Physical Education and Yog
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20